Friday 11 September 2009

Modesto Texidor: At the Palace and the King awards him Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic

This appears in La Vanguardia on 25th July 1919, when Modesto was 65. (Translation: OS):

"Arriving from Madrid, having spent some time there painting some interiors of the Royal Palace and working on some studies for portraits of various personalities, the noted artist, Modesto Texidor, who, before his return, was received in a private audience by the Royals, who congratulated him warmly for the Queen's portrait done in pastels, and which constitutes an exquisite work of art in which the beauty of the noble lady competes with that of the flowers that appear around her."

This appears in La Vanguardia on 4th Feb 1920 (Translation: OS):

"On the occasion of being graced by His Majesty the King with the medal of Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, the renowned portrait painter and our distinguished friend, Modesto Texidor, has received many compliments, to which we join ours."

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